Thursday, May 13, 2010 | By: SMK DATO' BIJI WANGSA

Anugerah Kecemerlangan SPM & STPM 2009

Tarikh: 6 April 2010

Hari: Selasa

Waktu: 8.00 am

Tempat: Dewan Sri Wangsa

Semua calon cemerlang SPM dan STPM diraikan pada hari ini dengan penuh gilang gemilang. Ibubapa juga turut serta ke pentas untuk menerima ucapan tahniah dari pihak sekolah. Pihak sekolah turut berbangga dengan pencapaian pelajar-pelajar SPM dan STPM 2009. Sememangnya pencapaian mereka merupakan pencapaian terbaik setakat ini. Tahniah diucapkan.

Para guru tumpang gembira dengan pencapaian anak didik meraka. Semoga kecemerlangan berterusan untuk tahun-tahun mendatang. Isnyaallah...

Think Quest

Perdana Leadership Foundation is calling for entries from Malaysian students both primary and secondary schools and their teacher-coaches to take part in the “Learning from Malaysian Leadership and History Project Contest 2010”. The contest is now open and will end on 30th April 2010.

Teams comprised of students and teachers will work together using ThinkQuest Projects to create learning projects that highlight the contest theme. The contest emphasises student originality, creativity and thinking ability. Fundamentally, it is designed to help students develop essential 21st century skills while making the learning experience enjoyable and engaging by utilizing ThinkQuest Projects as the online collaborative project tool.